Holman on Love - Love More Today

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Holman on Love

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Love is a Softening
an Opening
 a Choice

Love Expands and Love fills,
what Life's
LOVE is a Choice
so when 
you Choose to LOVE
 --- Yourself & Others --- 
LOVE gets brighter
Life gets better.

Love to Choose to LOVE.
Love is always there
A soft place to land
inside your Heart
Right now, this very moment, drop back into your heart, past the junk, and into the purity of love.
Right now, together, embracing, drop back into your heart, past the junk and into the purity of loving re-connection.
Right now, drop down into your heart, past the junk and into the purity of the Divine within you for there lies Love.
I can love you, but until you truly love yourself, you cannot fully feel loved.
Self-Acceptance is the Key to Self-Love. Love yourself more and more and more.
you are loved. the whole of creation vibrates in your heart. love is waiting to burst through you
Surrender to One World of Love. There is nothing to lose but suffering and fear.
No matter how much we don't like the hard parts, it helps to know that in EVERY situation there is an option for gain. Love is always an option.
In EVERY situation there is an option for gain
Like light shining through the cracks in a gate, LOVE is ALWAYS there. Why not throw the gate open WIDE?
Open the door of self-acceptance, LOVE is knocking.
You are a Miracle of Love --- Waiting --- For your eyes to open --- For your heart to explode --- with the joy of self-acceptance
I can accept you, but until you truly accept yourself, you cannot feel fully accepted.
Every moment, Every breath, Strengthens us & pushes out anxiety. There no room for breath and anxiety in the same body.
Be Still 
and Know Love
I can see your true, radiant beauty but until you truly see yourself, you cannot fully know how beautiful you ARE.
You are Awesome; you are Love; You are Beautiful! Believe it. Own it. Make it your skin and climb in.

Good Cheer is contagious, be of it! Smiles create happiness. Happiness promotes Love. Love heals the world and Love heals you. 
Radiant, heart-felt LOVE is ALWAYS there. Sink down in your heart, accept everything you encounter and there is LOVE.
Our earth experience is Creation’s amusement park. Enjoy the ride!
We are all ONE. That is why what you send out comes back, because there is nowhere else for it to go! Send out LOVE.
The more you love and accept yourself, the more life will bring you loving and accepting experiences.
Life is so much easier lived in the light of LOVE.

are a Bright, Bright
If you can only see --- If you can just believe --- Serenity --- Is there to receive --- If you surrender to self-acceptance
Like light shining through the cracks in a gate, LOVE is ALWAYS there. Why not throw the gate open WIDE?

Love is the deepest eternal layer of experience. It is the underlying foundation of creation. Love is always available, deep inside you. Just above Love lies peace and equanimity. And all 3 are buried deep beneath all the other transient emotions and conditions that distract us from the experience of love and peace. 

Knowing this is like finding the lost map to your own buried treasure. There be gold mateys, gar!

The Mind is our Mirror --- Gaze into It --- People are our Mirror --- Gaze into them
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